Welcome to

McQuinn Enterprises Inc.

An Online Business with a Heart for Supporting Business and

Canadians who Need a Hand Up.

Thank you for your interest in our

Business Premium
$39.99 One time Set Up Fee


Your Membership Includes
  • Access to Main Business Site -
  • Discounted Products and Services from our online Business-from 10-90% off
  • Free Online Apostolic Bible Studies, to take and to teach
  • Many discounted, books, videos, music, household gifts, over 500,000 quality products-delivered to your door.
  • Evangelism Products and Services-including Printing services at discounted prices.
We Create your
Unlimited Business Promotional Website
Professional graphic artists create your site for you. Branded, and
kept up to date, your site works for you.... allowing you to do what you
As a bonus, we keep your site up to date with your latest news and promotions
It includes:
  1. Your own Website Hosted on our Servers, we do all the design and graphics to make sure it shines. Less work for you so you can enjoy the career you have chosen!
  2. Full social media connections
  3. Additional One full page ad across all our sites
  4. Unlimited Video
  5. Unlimited Pics
  6. Instant leads directly to your email.
With Bonus
Ability to Create Corporate Fundraising Projects and promotions for any of our Registered Canadian Charity Projects.

To ensure your company is a great fit with our membership, please make your application today!

Please note - URL's and Purchased Themes are Extra. We do have hundreds of Themes, so no need for addition purchases unless you would like one.

The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.

This Plan work well for:

  1. New or well established Businesses who want to build their customer base with exceptional, well vetted clients.
  2. Home Base Businesses
  3. Those who don't have the time to spend on social media advertising.
  4. Those who love what they do and just want to do it and serve their customers well.
  5. Those who love helping those in need in Canada, and want to see real results.
  6. Pay nothing now, if you meet our guidlelines a sales rep will call you with the great news and your subscription payment can be started at that time.

To make your application just fill in the form below.

Qualifying Businesses are set at the discretion of McQuinn Enterprises and we have some significant but simple guidelines for approval.


1) The Business must be sensitive to Apostolic Christian Beliefs and Practices - It's called Respect.

2) All Businesses selling directly through our sites must provide a service or product discount of a minimum of a 10% for our members (some exceptions apply) preference will be given to companies offering more discount opportunities.

3) All Businesses must be ethical in their business practices - "Pyramid or Money" making schemes or any type of gambling links are NOT permitted.

4) All Business promotional images and videos must not contain - nudity, profanity, provocative pictures, images, video or sound and be sensitive to the traditional family unit as described in the Word of God.

5) All Businesses must be racial inclusive - no racism or any other form of anti-biblical conduct, speech, or promotion is allowed for any reason.


 6) Businesses that promote one product or an exclusive product line, like authors, or musicians, crafters etc. are welcome to promote their products, services, and ministries on this site if they meet the above guidelines.

7) Business may be for profit, non-profit, not for profit or Charities to qualify.

If you feel your company, organization, service or product line meets these simple guidelines, and you would like to start your business account now - please fill in the form above, and we will be in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

Business Application Form-

Business Application

Find Us Here

We are an online company Located in Outlook SK.


Rev. D. L. McQuinn Enterprises Inc.

P. O. Box 178

Outlook, SK

ATTN: Lois McQuinn


Physical; Main Street, Broderick SK

